

New member
Feb 23, 2008
Am I correct in thinking Gorillas are vegetarians?

If so, why are they so muscular and strong? Where do they get their proteins from?
If I recall they are actually ominvores instead of strict vegetarians. They'll eat ants, grubs, shoots and a lot of stuff if they can get their hands on it. They eat for a lot of the days. So they put in a mad amount of poundage in food in per day. Consider other animals that are huge and powerful... horses, bulls etc. and they have usually a far more restricted diet than do wild gorillas.
genetics play a massive factor.
They also eat mass amounts of food

also not completely veggie.

i watched a discovery channel show with cannibal gorilla.

Gorillas are mainly vegetarians but they do consume large number of insects, insect eggs and the larvae that nest on the plants and fruits they eat. And I do mean large number... Also, vegetables do contain certain amount of proteins.

But why gorillas? Cows, Bulls, Buffalo's, etc. are also extremely muscular and strong animals and they are also herbivores and eat mainly grass... It's all genetics... You can eat all the meat in the world but you wouldn't get muscular if you do not workout and jack up your muscles... Well, at least most of us...
genetics, sleeping lots and sheer volume of food!

Gama was a vegetarian too....

Eat lots and sleep lots!
I heard about the eggs and the insects before. Let us say that someone with great genetics passed them onto his kids, but if that kid doesn't work out and eat lots of protein. They won't have the same strength or muscle mass. This might sound a bit stupid, but has anyone experimented by making Gorilla train with weights to see if they can get stronger or how strong they are?

I envy their genetics.
he was also 5'7'' weighed over 100 kg and was described as "not lean"

definitely a lot of food there!
lol... you want to be the one to try and enforce the rules on a Gorilla when he decides he doesn't want to do his squats? Better you than me...
I can just imagine that... Me trying to force a gorilla to lay on a bench press... Well that would probably be the last thing I ever do...
Just curious is all, I have heard that Gorillas are very strong and when angered can maul a human and so on. But what tests have they done to see exactly how strong? Is it purely size?

Bears too, I have read that a polar or grizzly bear can strike someone with 300lbs of pressure from their paw? Were is the research or studies done to prove this?

I would love to Know how much a Gorilla could squat, bench or dead lift. Are we talking 1000kg? 500?
How strong they are.

I'm not saying put them in a cage and force them to bench. I'm just wondering if anyone has done this already, or how they come up with figures like 300lbs of pressure.

Is it purely size?

Why not, go near a gorilla camp... Put some 300kg bars with weights around the camp and see what they do with it?
cos eventually the bears will develop the ability to lift weights?
or just get bored and start lifting?
I remember reading an old Guinness world of animals records and I think they tested some primates on a "pull" type measure device and the chimps were very strong (no idea how in comparison to a strong human).
The problem would be convincing them to put the effort in.
Humans can tell themselves to really try but I'd imagine animals just wouldn't see the point.
There was that chimp at a zoo that pulled a kids arm off. That'd take some strength. Utterly horrific to have happen but it does show some strength.
It seems Animal planet decided to do a face off with a Gorilla and a Leopard.

Animal Face-Off: Gorilla vs. Leopard - YouTube

(I'm pretty sure it's CGI)

But a silverback weighs around 400lbs.

I guess tests could be made with food enclosed into heavy objects and observing how the animals move them around.
Tests like the ones done for the bear safe garbage cans...
Chimps are said to be as strong as 4 humans - not sure where that number comes from.

Genetics... physiology too: probably their digestive tract and enzymes are well adapted to the sort of food the gorillas are eating.

Put up muscle on a veggie diet... Beef is the best!
Of course, you'd need 4 stomachs to compete!

Gama is somewhat ruined for me by the fact that Fatt Furey has latched on to him. That's probably unfair though.
For goodness sake people.
These are animals. They are adapted to receive the nourishment they need from the food they eat. That's kind of how the world works.
Whales eat krill! OMG how to they gets so bigz eating little shrimpsies?
Elephants eat vegetables and don't do weights! Why they so strong eh?
Water buffalo are bigger than lions. How does that work?!?

Gorillas are big and strong because males must fight and dominate other males in order secure breeding rights.
That's it. There are animals that eat all sorts of diets but are big and strong for the same reason.