Good Luck to A-Level Students!


New member
Apr 11, 2008
Just want to say good luck to all those getting their exam results tomorrow!

Hope you get what you want or need and that all goes well

Wow, a year since I found out I was going to Uni. How time flies!
Cheers, though i'm not entirely sure how much i'll need luck.... Liverpool has said "if you don't get the grades we'll work summit out" so i'm going to uni. Still 3 B's would be nice.
I'm quite looking forward to it myself, I think I roughly know what I'll end up getting in terms of grades.
Best of luck Reakt, you're doing AS levels right? I did so poorly in them it's dragging my A2 down.
Personal recommendation: re-sit and study for Jan exams if you don't get EXACTLY what you want.
Thank you. I'm feeling a little nervous now, although I haven't really thought much about them since I took the exams. I kind of wish I was more nervous then, so I don't have to be now.
Yep AS. I'm not taking them for University so I'll be happy with a decent pass, C or above. I think I've definately failed accounting but I was going to drop it anyway.
B - Maths
B (as level) - Further maths
C- physics
C- History
A - General studies inc german
Quite drunk.
Hope everyone did well i'm off to uni (liverpool) to do Master Civil Eng next year
Well done and Good Luck (with the rest of the evening for starters - I'm sure it will be quite dangerous ).
lol, ran out of money, i'm onto toblerone (never try and spell swiss choc while durnk). Gonna be doings secret rum and lemonade (in a pub) for the rest of the night.

Hope everyone else did ok. If anybody is coming to Liverpool drop me a PM we'll get hammed on freshers week together
I'm pretty happy with what I got.

A - Maths

A - Further Maths

A - Physics

B - Philosophy.

All AS, apart from 2 maths modules.

I could've done better in philosophy, but I don't really mind.
Cheers Su, you love me really .

Very well done LJoll, you truly kicked my ass . Good going mate, what you planning to go onto do?
The Yoda-ling got...

English language - A

English Literature - A

Philosophy - A

General Studies - A

English Language extended paper - merit

... So it's off to Cambridge for her

... and off to the bank manager for a loan for me
This is the flaw in the system really. I wouldn't have got into York to read Psychology without General Studies. It made up the points I needed to get in. Since I got a first for my degree and a PhD in the subject, I think that indicates a certain degree of aptitude for the topic, yet now I probably wouldn't even get on the course with General Studies.
Smell that folks? That be the scent of a bitter Moose.

I seem to recall getting very bad A level results and getting onto my chosen course on the basis of a good interview and very good (comparitively) mock results.