Golf TDI Plug #4 stuck inside! Thread is Gone! Should I Take it to VW dealer...


New member
Jun 25, 2008
...or engine machine shop? Hi, The glow plug thread is gone and glow plug stuck inside! I damaged the thread trying to replace glow plugs mysef.
My MAIN Dilemma: Should i take it to an engine machine shop or VW dealership?
Also, The car starts perfectly. Can i drive while one of the glow plugs is stuck inside just a little loose? what if I disconnect the harness just from this 4th plug? will it mean the 4th cylinder will not work (which perhaps is a good thing since you do not want the stuck inside plug to Fly out like a rocket(?) OR: perhaops it is good if it flies out - it will no longer be stuck(?) however i think glow plugs just work to start the engine, therefore correct me if i am wrong but the 4th engine will start working thanks to the other cylinders(?). borrom line, is there a safe quick check/method to decide if i can drive like this to the mechanic? otherwise i will have to tow it, it is currently in my parking space. THANKS.