Going snowboarding.


New member
May 17, 2008
Im going snowboarding for my first time in west virginia. Im a beach boy, i live here on the islands off the coast of NC. I skate, surf, skim, sandboard, every stand up boardsport you can think of, but ive never snowboarded.

is it hard? what does it compare to>?
It's a lot different from skating and surfing. Don't try and compare it to either when you go. I do skating and surfing as well. My first couple of runs were horrible, but as the day went on I got the hang of it and could cruise down slopes.
I doubt it, he does plenty of other board sports so his balance should be somewhat decent. I have shitty balance and it took me 2-3 hours to get used to it but by the end of the day I could make it down the green slopes.
prepare to have a sore ass, and wet ass. youll be beat at the end of the day. but since you surf, skate and "sand board" than you should be fine because you can balance. go slow and take it easy. dont try to keep up with everyone else or, you WILL eat shit. go on your heels to turn left, go on your toes to turn right if your left foot is facing down the mountain(same goes with right foot but backwards) wear a helmet because this is your first time, you WILL catch and edge and fall on your face.
I recommend some wrist guards because I've seen too many new snowboarders break their wrists falling. the snow/ice is much harder than sand and water.
welcome to this great sport! i too had the same problem, i do every board sport(surf,skate,body board, indo board, wake board, wake skate etc) first time i went, i would say i did better than average, got too cocky and got my ass handed too me, after that i took it nice and slow and continued to get better
yeah, it would get real hard steering with the back foot when you should be doing it with the front foot and following it wth the back...
try to always ride on the edge of the board. try not have the base of the board flat on the snow for long or else youll probably catch and edge and whip around slam your head and bust ur ass.
;45375513']it takes people a few days to get it down but you'll have fun

lol i guess att is not a dick outside st;s snowboard thread
My first time=hilarious failure, I had a ton of fun though. Always listen to the instructor even if what they they tell you seems dumb at first, and keep your balance centered.
I broke my face doing a 1080 triple backflip while eating a slice of za in wa wa a couple years ago. Its cuz I wasn't rockin' mah hot pink sandana.
Of course you did. I separated my shoulder in Beaver Creek in a terrain park. There was a ton of powder that day and I couldn't see the box behind the jump, caught it on my edge and my shoulder landed on it. It was surprisingly fun.