God Help Us!

Typical American response . The rest of the world is actually not all that intested in America i'm afraid.
Oh, we study World History & Geography... 2 years of it, in fact! They just forget it the moment they walk out of the classroom
It's the generation "X"'s doing NK. Everything they learned they learned on the interzwebz! And the PC police have watered down history itself so that no one is offended. So now we give that have no clue about History or Geography and really don't care because it has no place in World of Warcraft or Guitar Hero!

So (for example) they don't blame Germany for WWII? They just say "someone may have started the war" or something?
Quite Right! I say we give teachers a month where they can use any type of discipline they want without the fear of lawsuits! Love to see that study's results!

(pictures Cait sidekicking kids across the classroom like shuffleboard)
Something like that. More like they don't get too into Vietnam, the Mexican/American war, slavery, oppression of minorities (including the Italians, Irish, Africans, etc.).
So basically they edit anything potentially controversial out of American history in American schools?

That sounds a bit too much like 1984!
I'm curious to what American familes talk around the dinner table. Since I was pretty much able to talk, my whole family would drink wine after dinner and talk endlessly about the history of the world, geography etc etc. I remember having long debates about morality, god, even the concepts of nuclear fusion . Even if you didn't do something like that, which is more of a European custom, I would of at least thought that your grandparents would talk endlessly about how disgusting the Germans and Japanese are for WW2 .

Maybe I'm just lucky to have a dad that has 2 doctorates from Oxford, and the mouth of a canary on amphetamines . Did any other Europeans or Australians have a similar childhood?
Talk? Around a dinner table? Surely you jest. (And yes, insert all the vitriol you can summon up into that, and you might just get how I feel about it.)

The average American family stopped talking & eating together over 10 years ago.
Now I would have assumed that your family sat around the dinner table and discussed 'hot chicks'! Well no-one in my family has any doctorates from Oxford or anything like that, but I think my Dad always tried to encourage us to think for ourselves. He would play Devil's Advocat and argue the toss about all sorts, just to get us to try to out-argue him. At the time I thought he was just a nutter, but once I grew up a bit I realised what he was up to!
Our family talked a lot about current events but no so much about History. The occasional odd Geography question came up once in a while, but only to illustrate what was going on in the world. I learned a lot about History and Geography from all of the camping I did as a kid. I camped on Civil War Battle Fields a lot.