Globally and Historically, do you think religion tends more to bring people


Feb 6, 2009
together or tear them apart? do you think religion is leading more towards global peace and love or towards global seperation, hate, and war
Tear people apart, so many wars have been started because of religion through out all of history. Yes it may create some nice people that do good deeds but the majority is bad.
Look at Ireland! It doesn't exist anymore. It's the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland now because of religion.

How about witch burnings?

But, you must admit, those that don't get charred to a nice crisp certainly stick together nicely. :)
The globe...we aren't there yet. As far as relationships and family, there is nothing more important than worshiping together. I am a Catholic married to a Muslim for 9 years....he is starting to see the light...our family will be forever be more stable, sacred, and pleasing to God.
It often tears even families themselves apart,which only proves what Jesus said as He told us this would be.He said"I came not to send peace,but division.There shall be five in one house, three against two and two against three....and a mans foes shall be they of His own household."Look at the division in Y/A over Religion.You have the believers and non believers,you have the believers debating over interpretation.There has always been trouble between people over Jesus.This will end when He returns and the whole world sees Him and realizes who He is.
Global disaster. Save Christianity, since it is in fact not a religion as many are confused about. It's a relationship.