Girls how much does it hurt?

I've never been properly hit there but footballs hitting there and what not isn't painful.
I don't think it would compare to a guy being hit in the balls because looking at that it looks like bloody murder. Poor men.
To answer the actual question it is like being punched in a bone. Not that I've actually been punched there but I've landed awkwardly on a bike/banister a few times and it feels like someone punched you in a bone - punch your hip bone or something it is like that. It hurts but goes away quickly.
Depends where it was done. That and girls naturally have more fat then guys which reduces any pain like that.

Id say proof girls are wusses is how they all carry and chug painkillers at anything
It kind of hurts i was kicked in primary school by a boy there.
but falling on a fence awkwardly REALLY hurts! couldn't walk properly for days.

You have no idea how happy it made me that even one person noticed that.

Thank you.
can I just make a note to all the people mentioning footballs, that footballs have a large surface area, are rounded and are softer than being punched or kicked. obviously it's not comparable.
wtf are you talking about? girls skin is actually far more receptive to pain as it's thinner and has more nerve fibres.
Not as much as getting kicked the balls, took an inside leg kick to the jewels on Thursday, no cup and it was a full hip swivel. Still can only sit on ice and a rubber ring now.

And ofc I was vomiting, balls on the outside of the body was such a bad design idea.
No, I doubt it, it's just like bruising the pubic bone.

There is somewhere that fecking kills to be punched in for girls, but it seems most guys don't know of this, and the secret shall remain.
Take getting hit in the balls and divide the pain by 37258246824672429258 and you're probably close.

you read your post, then read the bold part again.
I realise you probably won't accept this as a proper source but i don't know where to look exactly, I've just heard it a lot and my biology module tutor at uni talked to us about it, but here you go.
I could pick holes in that article all-day, the science is very weak. The hormone responsible for oily skin is not testosterone but the main androgen dihydrotesterone.

I’m not going to argue though, I’d say men have thicker skin then women for sure and the oilyness protects it a lot more.
Eh, me! I think it's offensive because it certainly isn't defensive innit. :plz2: This could happen to any naive vulnerable girl walking to the Bakerloo line @ night time. Let's not forget that the Bakerloo line doesn't run night time and therefore the punch > swollen vagina. It's offensive to women of all colours. :fyi: I did make sense.

Oh and btw, you're hot.

PM me for a debate, OK? Thanks Casablancas.
if you hit in the right place thatd hurt like ****.
but all the same, being hit in the boobs hurts :|