Girl bags first deer

ha ha ha,

Philosoraptor gets my nomination for research nerd of the month! :)

Actually... I can remember seeing a doco where they drew a connection not between people hunting and vegetation, but bears. Basically, the bears were nailing huge amounts of salmon heading up stream, and because of the quantity were leaving quite a bit around, which was in turn stolen by a range of second order carnivores. Then they built some dams and the forest surrounding the area started to experience some die back.

Apparently the scavengers dragging the leftovers into the forest was a massively important source of essential minerals for the trees. And when the salmon had more trouble getting up stream....

Go figure.

and he was out living his normal life in his natural habitat.

Its certainly much more humane than how humans do kill animals and treat them many times.
I posted a video of a girl getting her first kill so i guess i should show a boy getting his. Notice how he stalks to within 30 yards of those hogs. He knows his stuff. Nice boar he got. Had he been using a 12 gauge instead of 20 he would have dropped that boar where it was standing. But 12 gauge slug may have too much kick for him just yet. Nice kill son. Seth Patterson's 1st Hog May 2010.avi - YouTube
I am glad to be updated about Seth Patterson's first hog hunt and am eager for more updates about his hobbies.
I've mostly been admiring his wicked stamp collection and nature photography.

Buff-Bellied Hummingbird - YouTube

Mods, please change name of thread to Seth Patterson Appreciation Station.
I was impressed by Young Hedley-Smythe here bagging his first engine. Notice how he holds the pencil with the RIGHT hand to ensure maximum clarity. Young Higgensworth stood by dreaming of his first catch gives one hope for the future of this pastime

The 67685 was always elusive, and to see someone bagging it on his first outing is a joy to watch - bravo Master Hedley-Smythe! You are a pip!
God I hope Seth Patterson gets into martial arts and does an internet search that leads him there. Or at least a google search of his name

Seth Patterson Seth Patterson Seth Patterson Seth Patterson Seth Patterson Seth Patterson Seth Patterson Seth Patterson
Well I'm utterly against children spotting trains.
There should be a register, background checks and some sort of psych evaluation.
The difference being that if you fail you get to spot trains rather than not.
I always thought there was quite a bit of skill and effort that goes into train trapping. I was pretty upset when they made it illegal to trap a few years ago, too many people were doing it.