Getting a Labrador puppy?


New member
Feb 21, 2013
I'm thinking of getting a Lab puppy from a breeder.
And i'm wondering if it will still bite, as it will be staying with his litter till his 11 weeks or onwards, as i know when a puppy stay with its sibling till 8 weeks, when the puppy bites too hard the sibling will yelp and it will learn not to bite....
Maybe that is true..but puppies are puppies, just like teething baby's they bite.
It's a natural part of a puppy's development. Some pups aren't as nippy as others, and grow out of it faster, but there are tips to help them get out of that habit sooner. Sternly telling them "no" works pretty good also.
you can always look at shelters for mixed labs or even find purebreds. that way you don't have to worry about that and you save a life!! and some money