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May 13, 2008
My mother in law has only watched my son a total of 3 times and he'll be one, I feel like she is so wrapped up in her daughters life that she has no time for her son and his family. I am a hair stylist and I do her hair for free so I guess I am expecting her to do things for me. Every time I ask her I feel like she makes up an excuse..back ache..gas money.. goin out to eat with her daughter. But when she wants something from me she has time to get to my house. She is also constantly bashing me..I'm rude..dress slutty..don't clean/cook enough..treat her son bad. My husband and her are not very close so he doesn't say much to her, but I can't take much more of this. I want her to accept me and want her to watch my son. How should I handle this?
Why would you want to leave your son with her? Can you just imagine how she will talk about you to him or what he might overhear? I would stop doing all the things you do for her and stop asking her to watch your son. You tried and it didn't work. Find another babysitter.
become too busy to do her hair & dont even try to spend any time around a women who is so insulting to you- its toxic.
accept the fact that she is never really going to be any help and try to find a new baby-sitter. and cut her off of the free haircuts- like another said- you're just suddenly too busy.
Tell her what you think! I started doing this to a select few people, and either they get really mad at you and leave you alone, or they try to change their ways. Either way you get what you want. Just tell her what's on your mind. It really helps to clear the air.