Funny. Not.


Feb 18, 2008
Recently on the goggle box i see no end of comedy sketch shows, newspaper cartoons etc...that are taking the piss out of our “leaders”.

Brown and Cameron as well as almost all politicians are ridiculed and made fun of in the press, dragged down and shown up as idiots (that they are).

I find it very disturbing. Im one for a laugh anytime, but i just don’t find it funny anymore to laugh at these people in that way.

It's the same with Bush, we all like to laugh at his next **** up on screen, next dumb comment. But it really isn’t funny.

These idiots are who we are supposed to vote for, these idiots who we make fun of and are laughed at are our superiors and basically are mass killers.

They are all jackasses.

I know people will say "oh, it's always been like that" that’s all fine but maybe its time people stopped laughing, doing comedy sketches because it's not funny.

While Brown and baby face are on holiday or arguing like pratts, young men and women are dying, real people. People are killed, families are ruined, towns are being bombed to rubble, imagine if it happened here? how would you feel?

Would you be laughing then?

Or maybe your like me anyway and don’t find it funny.
People are apathetic towards politics now. They know that career politicians are liars and that's why they don't vote any more. Hence, politicians are just celebrities like all the Big Brother crew - famous for being famous.
I find it more depressing than funny.

The powers at be would prefer that we laugh and point at our leaders rather than actually look at what they are doing (besides looking like they just finished a peanut butter and jelly sandwich at a state dinner).

Really, when people laugh and take the mick out of politicians, really they are just taking the mick out of themselves.

You have to think "crickey! these idiots who we like to make fun of, are our leaders. Now thats not funny at all. More like scary".
No, they're surviving.

People laugh in order to deal with things, to make them funny rather than scary, and there's nothing wrong with that. It makes things easier to cope with, and to deal with.

If you're really finding it that depressing that we have morons in charge then why not go out and do something about it? Place your vote differently, join a party, or even run yourself.
Oh i agree, everyone needs a good laugh.

But still, i don’t think we should be laughing at this at all.

Ive heard you say this before, and if i thought i had the power to do something about it i would do.

But one thing i wont do is "find them funny".

You say I should run myself, vote differently or join a party as though it is a walk in the park.

It's something i just may well end up doing. At least i could say i tried, instead of sitting back in my arm chair, pointing and laughing and just accepting the fact that we are to put up with being governed by fraudsters, treason specialists, liars, thieves, mass pollutants and mass murderers.

But as the political system we all vote for runs on this stuff, i think i would find it mighty hard to make an impact on politics as i would want to stay clear of all that malevolence.
Aw come H, don't get your panties all up in a bunch, they knew damn well going into politics that they were going to be ridiculed, so laugh away
Astute observation. The studying's paying off then?

I have to say, I think the idea of running oneself is... well, in my opinion, it would be difficult to enact. The system we have, its incredibly difficult for one person alone to suddenly decide to enter the political system and make a difference. Firstly drumming up support would be difficult, unless you have the funds and backing of one of the major political parties, standing alone would be a major undertaking and unlikely to succeed except in cases where you have constituencies where the resident MP has been exposed of fraud or a major local issue can be taken advantage of, these are the only cases where I've seen Independents elected. Secondly, once elected, if you got that far, if you were an Independent you have very little chance to actually change anything and take part in government. Join one of the major parties and you have a chance, but you're sacrificing your freedom to act exactly as you wish, and you become subject to the party whips and toeing the line... and even if you join up with one of the major parties, the chances of actually being placed in a position of power such as a ministerial post, let alone any higher up, are slim. Plus, if you're getting into politics later in life on the basis of suddenly deciding you want to make a difference, and you have no previous experience or knowledge of the career you're getting into, that can be another stumbling block.

I wish it were different, but our system is such that, personally, I think deciding to run would be a massive undertaking and unlikely to succeed.

That said, I do always vote and can't stand people moaning about the state of the country and then claiming they don't vote because their vote won't make a difference... *shrugs*Meh. Them not voting just places more weight on my vote, thank you very much. Some countries make voting in elections compulsory... I'm torn between suggesting this as a solution and worrying about what would happen to the country if all the people who "can't be bothered" actually did vote .
As the saying goes "Stop bitching and start a revolution."

Complaining about what others choose to make fun of on an internet message board is .... ineffective.
The standard line is that we have these freedoms to laugh at politicans because of our democracy, and sure, people in Burma do not have that luxury.

Another way to look at it is those in power allow themselves to be ridiculed in order so that the 'masses' feel some sense of empowerment, whilst in fact, the influence of the masses is minimal, apart from a vote every 4 years...

Out of the two, the second one is a lot more insidious and powerfull. Dictatorships like in Burma can only last for a short period of time (I give them 6 more years maximum), the current situation in the UK has lasted for 1000 years with the gradual relinquishment of some power to the masses.

Just a thought for the day
Well I wouldn't really say that we laugh at our politicians for the cause of our survival. It could also mean trouble and worse consequences.

There is no threat coming from these politicians, or physical attack. If we laugh then the politican(s) may or not be happy with the result. Or if politician(s) ignore us then we get cranky and insult them, or we laugh and insult them.

I'm not very much into politics and such. I don't pay attention to them. But the politicans get hammered with insults coming from everwhere. The politician(s) are aware of what's coming to them.
So other than not laughing at political comedy, what exactly are you doing to stop that from happening?
Not alot. But i think not laughing at it is a start.

Im honest, what can i really do about it?

Feel free to give me your expert analysis and low down on how i can go about changing the UK political system. Not only that but also the EU.
Political satire really does go back a long way, look at artists such as William Hogarth for example.It isn't politicians who are targetted alone but royaly too and it happens world wide. It's part of life, it has always been done but we are probably just exposed to it more maybe these days on the tv.

Nowt you can do about it I am afraid,it's particularly engrained into our phscye ,especially in the UK where satire has always been part of our society.

Below is Hogarth's satirical engraving of the radical politician John Wilkes.
be grateful that we can do it at all, some countries you would be in trouble for it, at least we have the freedom to express it in some way.

as you said H it's not easy, but the only way you're going to change it is to get into Politics, join a party etc etc.

To change a whole political system is never going to be easy, so I can either get on with whatever else you do, or put a whole lot of effort in and deal with it the only way you can.
Aye,I agree with him ^^ in that we are really lucky to be able to satirise our politicians.They take it on the chin.In other countries people don't have the freedom to do that at all and get horribly punished for it.