Fun Vacation in a box for college students?!?


May 13, 2008
I have a friend in college she is really stressed and has pretty much given up on doing work and just wants to drop out...She just keeps telling me she needs a vacation. So this is where you guys come in!
What can I get for her that would be like a lil vacation that I can give to her that will help get her through the next few weeks until Thanksgiving break? Thanks for anyyyy ideas!! XOXO
I'm pretty sure working all summer to pay for college is not goofing off. You don't know what is going on with her. Nobody asked for your negativity...go somewhere else. Thank you.
"Your friend" just had a vacation, while she goofed off all summer - you don't need a vacation every couple of months. Tell her to go ahead and drop out, because she'll never make it through college or having a real job.