FTL = "For the loss" or "for the lose"

FTL = "For the loss" or "for the lose"

Why are people saying "loose" its a completely different word from lose and loss...

My shoes are loose...

They will lose the game...

The loss doesn't matter...
FTL = "For the loss" or "for the lose"

think about the age of kids in here. It makes more since suddenly:evilgrin:
FTL = "For the loss" or "for the lose"

I know, but people say it all the time, even argue about it, and it's time they learned grade 2 grammar.
FTL = "For the loss" or "for the lose"

Finally got a CC!

Only because KU won though...

FTL = "For the loss" or "for the lose"

I told you KU was gonna win a month ago!

And I though it was time for a new avvy.. Ima try this one out.
FTL = "For the loss" or "for the lose"

Saying for the "loose" does make absolutely no sense.

On the other hand, for the LOSE is what it is. Anybody who says differently is a fucktard.
FTL = "For the loss" or "for the lose"

I can't upload avvys so feel special :crash:

Now that's FTL