French chick.. my house, 3 weeks. 16.

There are some hot french girls, atleast in quebec. They're not euro trash which is :tup:
All the foreign exchange students at my school are Vietnamese. Some are cool, some are stereotypical fucking geniuses.
I'll try to scan some pictures tonight, when I can ninja the papers/pics from the 'rents.

She's not fat at all, I'd say around 110. Loves swimming, too. :(

Btw, no shens. We -just- got the papers with pics around 10 minutes ago. I'm headed over to the GF's, then when I get home I'll get pics.
we had fucking faggots from germany this year and he said the best thing about america is the fast food fucking fat ass bitch.
this could turn out one of two ways

1. she is extremely hot and you, her and your girlfriend have lots of "fun"


2. she is ridiculously ugly/hairy and has to shave twice a day causing you to throwup in your mouth every time you see her
Parents have the papers again, man. It's going to be weird as fuck if I ask for them, then why am I scanning them? lol.

I'll get them tonight, don't worry.
i can see it now

*posts pics*

*all put dicks back in their pants and start to complain*
Then you tell the truth...

"Mom, ST needs to approve of the french fap material before she gets here"
Sex her the night before she leaves. It's not like she can come to school the next day and tell anyone.

That is, if these pictures deliver.