fractured fairy tale ideas?


New member
May 28, 2008
we have a project at school where we have to re-write a fairy tale and change it promote a message we like instead of ones that we don't like so much in the original if you have any ideas of what i should do that would be great!
Well, Cinderella is about a poor, abused, submissive girl whose life problems are solved by a man whisking away and bringing her into a life of wealth and entitlement. So, that's not the greatest message or story.

You could have Cinderella standing up for *herself*, finding strength, and then going on to...become a protesting feminist lesbian. Lol. No, I'm just kidding. But she could get her hands on the inheritance she's entitled to from her father and go off on her own, to heal, figure out who she is.what she wants, and find her own adventure. Maybe she meets the Prince along the way, because I'm not saying she shouldn't fall in love, but she should have done so under different circumstances (i.e. not being a poor house slave desperately looking for a way out).

Good luck.