for weight loss is outdoor recreation better than working out?


New member
May 22, 2013
My friends and I go backpacking all the time with our inflatable kayaks and all of our gear on our backs to trek up into the mountains for days in order to paddle down whitewater rivers. We also do a lot of mountain biking, backcountry skiing, and summiting mountains We try to eat at least 3, 000 calories per day during our trips to keep from starving our bodies. Ideally, we need to eat about 6, 000 calories per day, but cannot carry that much food, even if it were straight vegitable oil ( yuck!) in our packs. Were all really skinny.

Anyway, I hear all the time about people who cant lose and keep off the weight, and spend so much time at the gym. Maybe they should try changing their past time to something like going on a hike everyday, or go mountain bike packing during their weekends or something if they can. Just trying to help.