For those that know about premonitions, got a question?


New member
Sep 7, 2010
When it comes to having a premonition does it normally come in dreams? Can it happen when you are awake? And can it be reoccurring?

This is going to sound really weird and please don't think I'm crazy. Sometimes when I am right about to fall asleep I get this vision that I am holding a hand gun and pointing it at someone or something. I never see who it is or what I am pointing it at but I know somehow that I'm doing it for my own protection or to save my life. When this happens I instantly come wide awake. It only has happened right when I am about to fall asleep. It doesn't happen all the time. It has only happened a few times.

Could this be a premonition? I know it couldn't be a dream because I've read up on sleeping cycles and I wouldn't have yet reached REM sleep when dreams normally happen.
Out of all the things a person can vision, why the hell would I see something like that?
premonitions is another word for coincidence.

It is meaningless, it does not predict anything.
Yes, it can happen while awake, I saw a picture of my son before he was born just as I was laying down to take a nap. Not yet asleep. I had a vision of a car accident that my sister was going to have but I didn't know it was her because I was looking through her eyes. This a few seconds after falling asleep. You know when you close your eyes and all you see is black and white then the white becomes the object you are seeing.