FLUFF: a personal protest.


New member
Mar 17, 2008
Please only post benign edgeless inane observations or thoughts here.

Allow me to start, gentle reader:

Aren't puppies and kittens great?
Have you ever noticed that Sunshine is better than rain, but the world need rain too?

Ahh, I can feel my mind emptying already..!
Babies are cute too, and they smell good after a bath

everyone should be nice,'cause then the world would be a nicer place!

(fluffy enough for you Rich?)
if the world was flat we would all be able to see each other. Maybe then people would stop fighting and start loving.
Hot tea and buttered toast is a lot better than nothing.
Sharing sweets with friends rarely causes fights.
Porridge made with half water half milk is alot creamier than porridge made with just milk.

Porridge with a little salt and sugar tastes alot nicer than porridge with just sugar.
Bovril is far better on toast.

Sticks are usefull in a forest.

It's good to have a wide range of shoes to chose from.
Hot girls rule

hot naked girls rule better

even hotter more naked girls are better then the last two
Pass this entire thread onto at least fifteen different e-mail addresses, and let someone know that you care about them.

The world would be a better place if everyone told one person they cared about them.
Don't you love the ways clothes feel and smell after they've been hung outside, rained on, and then dried by a sunny breeze?

There is nothing on earth any cuter than baby kittens and bunny rabbits.
All girls are beautiful, some just look better.

Cats rule the world, we just think we do.

Cake tastes better than crow.

Today is the tommorrow you dreaded yesterday.

To wake up in the morning knowing you don't owe anyone any money, your familly and friends are well and happy, your cat is purring next to you on the bed and you don't dread going to work and you know your car will start when your ready.

Thats my idea of heaven and I've experienced it for a whole 5 days now
Wanna know whats cute? great big muscle bound dogs who still act like big babies. Thats what
Why is it that all the girls you like dont like you!

Why is it sooo damn hard to get fit and lose weight!!

Why does life have to be so *@%$ sometimes!!!
Yay! Someone realises at last!

Wrong thread, you want Andy's rant column. Its out the door, turn left, and three doors down on the right.

Anyway, my observation. Few things more amusing than a young, curious cat. Coming out of the swimming pool at the school a tiny cat dashed through the door and decided to explore the pool. Walked in a little way (one of those pools that start with a gradually sloping edge), evidently got overconfident and decided to run from one side to the other. There are also few things cuter than a completely soaked cat, even after its just torn gashes in your arm.