fitness knowledge please?


New member
Apr 3, 2010
hi im 14 and 5'6 135 pounds and i want to get in shape. Right now i am NOT. So i was wondering if you had any go exercise ideas or whatever for me to do. i don't mind how hard it is, well sorta, but i can push myself. Just as long and i like don't break and bones doing the exercise. Thank you for your help.
I was really out of shape too. A good idea is to join a sport with excessive running such as lacrosse or soccer to get your cardio baseline up. You will lose fat and start gaining muscle weight. If you do not desire to join a sport just go on daily jogs with intervals and sprinting and do core exercises like crunches ect. If you decide to do these things remember to drink plenty of water a few hours before exercising to avoid cramps and dehydration.
You sound like you have the drive...but where to put it is the question! There are SO many different routines to achieve a variety of different goals. "Getting into shape" is too general. Email me what you'd like to do. Gain endurance? Gain strength? Gain muscle size? Gain flexibility? Be able to do certain sports? Email me that, then I can help.