Fist Fighting tips?

if you have never gotten in a fight before and have no idea how to punch without hurting your hand then go get a cheap disposable plastic lighter and put that in your hand, the regular sized ones are usually the perfect size to keep from breaking your finger, it also makes a more effective fist. it works for most hand sizes
well you want to extend your arms with a closed fit and make contact with the face. start from the lower part of your body to generate force, ie. the legs. you want to have a firm stance and not be all dainty. find your center of gravity. then you start to twist at your waist and then eventually extend your full arm.
just sit there and take it obviously if your posting this on the nation then ur really tense about it
umm,lol, the day you do that and kill someone by mistake i will lol at your misfortune.
ohh god. I hate to say it but if you have to ask, your not ready. Heres A few:

-Never EVER EVER EVER drop your hands, Always pretect yout throat/face. Body shots might be bad, but not nearly as bad as face/throat. Look at all the people here saying go for his throat-he might be thinking the same about you

-May sound gay but make sure u rest up, and are mad pumped. On the way there blast some music(preferably lost prophets-start something in my case) and be ready

-Idk about you, but im a big kid, so if i can i take it to the street. Thats my territory. When you got s 200lb mass on you pounding in your face, its a little hard to get out of it

-Dont stoop the level of hair pulling(Have had my hair pulled in a fight because i was owning this kid), nut shots, cheap shots etc. Even if you win, your still a fag to stooping to that level

-Have back up- Have some boys ready to back you up just incase his boys jump in, or he does something to pull out a knife. Ask any person here that has ever been in a fist fight and they well tell you you feel safer almost in a fight knowing your boys have your back and are ready to jump in to help you out no matter what,

-Use your whole body, find his points where he lack balance, and use it to your advantage. And use your whole body when fighting. Ex: if your going to take someone down dont just kick their legs out. Get him into a bad position where he is unbalanced and vulnerable, and then use your body weight to take him down.

EDIT: get this on video if it actually goes down. I wana see this
I don't think he's gonna kill you, a lot of kids just say that in the heat of the moment.

But if he really is a maniac son of a bitch, get the first hit.
Kick him on the balls then punch him in the face.

Advice I give everyone that asks.

Best advice you can get if you're actually going to fight him.
no matter what, if he really knows what hes doing in a fight and is as much stronger then you then you said then your fucked, kick him in the balls, which will make you look like a bitch, but not as much as laying on the ground crying

and pick up some speed on the way there :dodgy:
is he bigger than you?
because im the biggest/strongest kid in my grade (except a skank who failed twice) and nobody messes with me except this one kid who always goes fucking nuts and tries to fight me.
if your bigger than him...use my technique:
Throw (literally through the air) into a wall he'll be shooken up, punch him in the face, if he doesnt fall, just throw him down, then once hes down, either pin him down or if you want more suspension you can fuck his face up, i decided to hold the kid down and not hurt him anymore. he was balling his eyes out anyway, everyone laughed at him and praised me and we both only got one day of ISS :)!

edit: whatever you do, dont kick the balls or take cheap shots! just think: death before dishonor! id rather be fucked up than take a cheap shot on a kid.
keep your fist tight and solid. A more solid fist=better hits, more solid hits.
keep your mouth shut. Hanging jaws demand to be punched and hurt like hell.
Keep your fists up, watch your nose. No cheap shots, no one likes a bitch :D Go for his nose, but if he leaves something open (like his neck fo instance) punch him in it.
why does everyone say go for his nose. im mean come one what if he does in upper cut to the kids nose and kills him? think about it.
Myth, won't kill anyone... hurt like hell tho.

Pretty much, dont get hit. Cover your face, head up but watch the waist, use your knuckles not the flat of your fist... if your this worried to check the interwebs look into some karate sites on the direction and placement of pressure points.

Win, don't make panzee moves, if you lose do it honestly.