Fire sale starting? Chicago Bears trade Jared Allen, Jon Bostic


Jun 17, 2007
The Chicago Bears are 0-3, and of all the 0-3 teams in the NFL who might rebound to make the playoffs, the Bears might rank last on that list.
So Chicago went ahead and traded veteran pass rusher Jared Allen to the Carolina Panthers, according to Fox Sports' Jay Glazer. The Bears got a sixth-round pick in return, Glazer said.
A few hours later it became clear it wasn't an isolated move. The Bears traded linebacker Jon Bostic to the Patriots, according to ESPN.
The Allen trade makes sense for both sides. Allen, who is 33, had just 5.5 sacks in 18 games with the Bears. He wasn't a fit with the 3-4 defense that new coach John Fox wants to run. Allen was a starter with the Bears, but it's clear Chicago isn't going anywhere this season, and holding on to an aging pass rusher who doesn't fit the defense wouldn't have been wise.
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Allen gets to go to a playoff contender. The Panthers are 3-0 and have won the NFC South the past two seasons. Their pass rush is solid, and now might get a little extra boost from Allen, who has 134 career sacks. That's not a bad thing in a division that includes Atlanta Falcons quarterback Matt Ryan and New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees, when he returns from an injury. And Allen gets to move back to defensive end, where he was a perennial force with the Minnesota Vikings.
Then the Bears traded Bostic, who has been out with an ankle injury. Bostic was a second-round pick in 2013 who never quite blossomed.
Are there more Bears moves to come? It can't be ruled out. Chicago is going to be starting a long rebuilding process, and those who might not fit in those plans but have value to other teams will have to be considered trade bait. This season already looks like a lost one for the Bears, so they might as well start to look forward.
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Frank Schwab is the editor of Shutdown Corner on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter! Follow @YahooSchwab