Fine from police with handheld speed camera?


Active member
May 11, 2008
As i came round a corner today there was a policeman with a handheld speed gun, i was going around 45 mph in a 40 zone. As i drove passed him he just gave me a sign to slow down, he could have easily pulled me over as it is a long stretch of clear straight road.
Does anyone think i may get a letter in the coming weeks?

it was just a warning but lucky you the police officer gave you a warning
yes they can give you a ticket for even one mile over the posted speed limit
but even five miles over is not that bad...its just up to the cop
You will get a summons with in the week, the10% tolerance is rubbish i got done doing 32mph in 30 zone
I imagine your actual speed, not the spedo indication, was boarder line. You have been warned.
This happened to my mum a fwe weeks back and a month passed and she had to retake her drivers test otherwise she got 2 points on her lisence and she got a 80 pound fine:mad:
Unlikely, the police usually only go after people driving crazy speeds, but co-worker got a speeding ticket for doing 33 in a 30 zone, so who knows.