Fast food


New member
Apr 2, 2008
How often does everyone here tuck into McDonalds? KFC and the other tasty but nasty thing??

I usually have it once a week - usually KFC...I quite like the colonel's chicken!

It's bad for you yeah yeah, but I'm not a pro fighter. I work 6 days a week and I train and keep a healthy lifestlye so what if I don't have a perfect 6 least I eat what I enjoy :)
I eat Chik-Fil-A for breakfast frequently because I haven't had time to make breakfast recently.

Otherwise, I never eat fast food. It's grody for the most part. I'll hit up Subway sometimes though.
If a chicken and black bean burrito from Chipotle qualifies as fast food then approximately twice a week.
I just don't touch the stuff. It's as simple as that.

Try this next time...
Buy a fast food burger.. yank out that little grey patty they call meet.... fling it full tilt at the wall... and watch it bounce! Then decide if you really want to eat it. When was the last time you saw meat bounce?!
Can't eat the stuff now, too much fat and sugar in the crap - makes me feel ill once I've had it. Fast food to me is now a pub lunch.
I rarely eat fast food, because in most cases it tastes like crap, and it tends to leave me feeling grim afterwards.

KFC is the worst culprit for leaving me feeling like I've just overdosed on grease and salt. McDonalds to me tastes exactly like I imagine dog dirt must taste. Burger King is the least-worst option which I'm familiar with, but that's not really saying much when you consider what the competition is!
I eat subway twice a week,

I try to avoid the cookies and the high in sugar drinks. I choose those low fat sandwiches on whole grain bread with olives, capsicum, lettuce, carrot and cheese, toasted.
Apparently, some of those sandwiches are loaded with salt, but that doesn't make them any less tasty. Mmmmmmm, I might go to subway this afternoon!
Never! I had an Oreo McFlurry 2 weeks ago and it made me feel ill! Try and avoid it all these days.
we have a kfc or takeaway maybe once a week, haven't for a while though.

don't eat mc yuk or burger ming - *gag*
I'll eat things like Mcdonalds or kfc now and then if I'm in town and I just need something quick, but only about once or twice a month at most. If I'm coming home late at night I'd rather get a burger from the take-away place at the end of my road, it does really good food
we haven't had kfc since we had a really bad one - didn't even finish it as it was so minging.
I never thought to include Chinese takeaways as Fast Food! (Probably because my local takeaway is so bloody slow!)

I also like Fish and chips, but only when I go up North. Down south they are poor at best.
yes, our indian takeaway is exceedingly slow, I guess that excludes it from fast food

last month I commited suicide at least 3 times.
Most Indian food will be revolting if it's cooked quickly. It just isn't the kind of food which can be cooked in five minutes flat.