Fashion help for Men?


New member
Feb 14, 2009
I need advice on what to wear. I'm meeting up with some old friends tomorrow. I've got these dark blue jeans (not skinny ones) and I'm definitely wearing those. I've got two questions:

I have a red checkered shirt that looks like this:…

and another shirt with red, blue and yellow checkers. The checkers in this one are larger and the lines are bolder. It may sound like a really bad fashion choice but when you see it it actually looks pretty good. I really don't know which shirt would be a better choice. The one with many colours gives a bit of a farmer/cowboy feel to it, and makes me look bigger, which is helpful since I'm more on the thin side. As for the red one, I know that 'red and blue should never be seen' but does that include jeans?

My second question is whether or not I should tuck my jeans into my boots. My boots look something like this:…

My jeans a not very loose around the legs, and again I'm on the thin side, so I'm afraid it might look something like this, which I don't like very much:…

The shoelaces on the boots get loose easily, so if my jeans are over the boots I don't have to worry about the laces. But if I keep covering the boots with my jeans, what's the point in buying a high-cut boot in the first place?

Thanks a lot for your help.

PS I'm NOT gay I'm just asking this question here because I know gays have great fashion sense and I respect that.