Facebook rejection lol?


New member
Jun 4, 2009
So I always see the guy whenever I got to parties or the mall . I talked to him before last year . Me and these other people were walking around the mall and we all hugged each other bye and I added him on Facebook. Now it's all awkward ! I saw him again a month later and I hugged him and after I realized he didn't remember me ._. Then I saw him at two of these parties I went to during the summer that just passed . He's cute and funny . I don't know him really so since I see him around I decided to message him 'hey' ( after a few days of deciding and encouragement from a friend lol ) . Facebook now tells us when someone reads your message and it says he read it a few minutes after I sent it . I was let down a little but I got over it . But now I see him after school almost everyday and he keeps staring at me ( he goes to a different school ). I feel so awkward and it's weird :/ I don't know how to handle this situation because I don't want to seem like a creep .__. What should I do ? It's not like I want to go out with the dude , I just wanted to make a new friend ( but round 2 ).
Also I'm not the cutest girl out there . Nowadays guys want short girls who a mixed , Hispanic or Asian and they wear Jordan's , basically tumblr girls . I'm 5'7 , thick I guess and I'm black . Nothing special expect when creeps comment about my butt -.- I'm a sophomore and he's a junior , if you we're wondering ....