Eye infection in a duck?


Jun 9, 2008
I have two ducks, and one of them appears to have an eye infection. The one duck is always pecking at the other one around his eye area, and all of the feathers around his one eye are gone as a result. Today, I noticed a white foam coming out on both eyes from the tear duct area (the front of the eye). Is it possible that his eye(s) are infected, and if so, what should I do? Thanks for your help.
yeah, it might be an eye infection... DO NOT put anything on ur duck's eye... just go to the vet, and tell them to check,

hope she/he feels better!
yeah, it might be an eye infection... DO NOT put anything on ur duck's eye... just go to the vet, and tell them to check,

hope she/he feels better!
yeah, it might be an eye infection... DO NOT put anything on ur duck's eye... just go to the vet, and tell them to check,

hope she/he feels better!