Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (spoilers ahead)?


New member
Dec 18, 2008
The other day I went to the cinema to see the above film, and one of the quotes stayed in my mind. "I can't make the impossible possible". Having been brought up as a Christian, this made me think of the bible. Things may be impossible for humans, but God has the power to make anything possible. All we have to do is pray to Him and trust Him. This would be a good message for a minister to preach about. So if you're struggling to get a job or pass your exams, you'll be reassured that nothing is impossible with God. Another scene from the film involves a group of people praying for the boy as he makes his way through New York. The religious message is that you can pray to God when you're facing dificult times or a challenging journey, and He will look after you and protect you.

What do you think?