Examples of how celebrities are bad role models?

I don't think they're meant to be role models in the
first place. It's the parents job to educate their kids
on what a real role model is. Like Martin Luther King Jr
or Amelia Earhart.. You know people who did things
that others wouldn't.. Not a bunch of people who
get fame for doing something outrageous
angry drunks: mel gibson, murderers: phil spector, dead drug addict club (jimi henrdrix, kurt cobain, jim morrison, etc), meth eating zombies: lindsay lohan, talentless women-childs: britney spears.

do you really need to ask for examples?

Celebrity people are no different than the rest of the world, except that they are famous for something.
Lindsay Lohan--totally irresponsible.
Any celebrity who smokes is a bad role model.