Essential items for dorm life?

I lawl'd hardcore. My roomate uses Febreeze on EVERYTHING. He did his laundry by just spraying it with Febreeze, calling it clean and putting it away..

They sell them in vending machines here. Most do from what I've seen.
1. Speakers
2. a safe to keep (ipod cell phone wallet)
3. My roomates and i use a sling box hook it up to cable and internet at home and then hook box at school up to intrawebz and get all my Tv chanells
4. fridge w/ a freezer in it
5. George forman grill
6. steak'
7. couch
8. desk chair and desk lamp

I go to boarding school this is all the shit i have along w/ posters and all that junk
My dorm came with a fridge, and they don't allow george foreman grills, toasters, etc.

So make sure you look into what comes with the room and what isn't allowed.
Couch, a lot of food, such as pop tarts. get a desk light for when roomates are sleeping and you need to do homework. some kind of game, because you will get board.(PS2 something) and get a comfy ass blanket and lay on it because the beds suck balls. thats all i got.
In my dorm I brought the following from home:
-Laptop + printer
-Fridge (roommate picked that up)

And a few other odd things, like desk shit and whatnot.
Get an RA detector and seriously consider a way to hide at least a hotplate. Seriously those rules are retarded. I want my ramen and I want it hot.
beer funnel
beer funnel
beer bottle opener
beer funnel
beer bong
beer bong
cool posterx2
1. Enough instant soup to be called an AZN.
2. Beverages...lots...
3. Nice Bed (worth it)
4. Nice chair (to watch #5/#6)
5. Computer
6. TV w/speaker system
7. Gaming system (ps3/360/don't need a wii...ever)
8. Mini Fridge
9. Some sort of lighting system to set the tone
10. Fire Extinguisher...if you are cool enough or dumb enough (sometimes that walks hand in hand) you will need it at some point.
Don't let anybody borrow ANYTHING. You'll never see it again. If anybody asks if you have something they want to borrow, just lie and say you don't have it.
ramen noodles.
bring booze first day and have friends for 4 years.
TV fo sho
Comfy slippers
Anything that will make you comfy cause college life is the best and worst time of your life and you gotta be comfy!