Email saying I won $1,000,000 in a Chevrolet giveaway and the sender is....?


New member
Feb 27, 2013
...the "senders'" - plural - I should say, addresses are using those of universities/schools. I got two emails from direct, and what looks like *personal*, email addresses from a staff member at two different schools saying I won $1,000,000 in a Chevy giveaway or something. My email address was supposedly chosen at random.

Um...has anyone else had this? I've always gotten junk mail, but this is the first time I've had a persistent "scammer" with a home address that is directly associated with two different schools(one being the University of Arkansas). The only time my email has been submitted is for the education system to send me news of colleges and whatnot, so I definitely know I haven't entered any Chevy giveaways.

I've been Google searching this and only one story popped up about a UK person trying to scam someone out of money using a Chevrolet Giveaway as cover.

(Maybe it's obvious that I'm hungry for $$$ and want to make double-sure this is a scam! Call me naive! I call it stupidly hopeful!)
Probably the wrong category, but okay....
Aw, this scam stepped all over my hopes and dreams of owning a million. :'c
SCAM - there is NO such thing. If there were, it would be announced on Chevrolet's homepage but as you can see there is nothing there

There is NO prize/lottery in the world that informs random winners by email. These are all scams