Eduardo injury

It certainly wasn't a good challenge, and you could perhaps cite him for being optimistic, but I see no malintent there, Eduardo is a victim of his own deft skill, a lot of players would not have tried to flick the ball away like that. I think he did see the challenge coming, judging by the poor quality of the pass. The challenge was definitely a red card offence, he missed the ball and took the player out. It might even warrant an extended suspension due to the seriousness of the injury sustained, but it wasn't malicious. Roy Keane/Stuart Pearce et al used to get away with worse than that on a weekly basis.
So you're saying a studs-up tackle is ok - providing the player with the ball doesn't pass it! Seriously you need to rethink that.

The problem is not that Eduardo passed the ball, the the problem is with Taylor coming in with a completely unnecessary and dangerous tackle. Since there is always the possibility that you will make contact with the players legs you should avoid unnecessary tackles - why even go in with your studs up to begin with... it has broken leg written all over it! While I don't think there was any intent on Taylor part, he did show a complete lack of awareness.

He shouldn't get a life-time ban (and Wenger retracted his comments that he should) but he should get a 3-5 match ban plus a fine. He probably would've got a yellow had he not made contact.

Try the MoTD footage if you can, it far clearer.
I dont like studs up tackles, but they are not uncommon challenges and this one was not even an example of a particularly vicious one (ok the consequences are far worse than most). If he'd gone in two footed or if it was very late then yeah, I'd be baying for his blood too, but as it is, I actually feel slightly sorry for him.
I'll second the fact that it wasn't intentional (at least now that I've seen the replay), but it was still atrocious form and utterly unnecessary. As Topher said, it's a booking even if he misses. I don't think he deserves a lifetime ban, but I think they should wait for the diagnosis before assessing any punishment. If Eduardo misses all of next season, then Taylor should at least miss the rest of this one.

It's an even bigger blow for the Croatian national team (Eduardo had the most goals in Euro Qualifying).