Easy Question...I guess lol, Does She Like Me?


New member
Jun 24, 2008
So this girl I used to like (and I told her I did) moved away from my college (only 2 hours north) to her home. We didn't text a ton like we used to in school, but we kept in touch she kinda left on urgent circumstances. When we met up recently for the first time in like 8 months she was so excited and flirty and since then really hasn't stopped texting me. She's always missing me it seems like, lately I get texts like this after I respond to her...

"....I was just thinking how I wish I would meet someone nice as you but I haven't met anyone :/"

"ha ha Timmy I miss you so much :("

Were trying to set up like a weekend when we can hang out now. Do you think she's thinking of more than friends - or am I just being a guy again?
Is she a flirtatious girl? Because if she is I wouldn't count on her liking you. If she isn't, well then, you may have something going on there, buddy! I think detecting that think via text messaging or e-mail is near impossible. When you're physically within her vicinity, that's when you pick up the cues...Her laughing at your jokes a lot, touching you or wanting to be nearer to you, etc. Good luck!
I think moving away made her think and she chose that she does have feelings for you. Good luck!
nah dude if shes saying fioond one like you and hasnt given a remake that she does like you then your in the best friend zone and your now her comparing stone sorry man good luck tho
i think the girl does like as she misses u too too too much so that means she messis u alot thenn innit
i think its just a friend type situation because she said she hasnt met someone as "nice as you" not hot or sweet or great. just nice. which equals friend