Dreaming about this guy twice in about a week?(long but interesting read)?


New member
Mar 1, 2012
Ok first some background: There's this guy I knew back then when I was in middle school that I liked a lot and I've dreamt about him twice in about a week. He was really important to me and I don't think I fully got over him because I kept seeing him around until I was about 16. We never dated or anything, but we sort of had a thing going on. He seemed to like me but he wouldn't say and I liked him but never told him because he was kind of a douche and I didn't want to get hurt.
Ok now to the dreams:
The first dream was really nice. In it we were together as a happy couple and it felt like we were so in love with each other. It was a really nice dream until we part ways in the dream and I end up really sad but I moved on.

In the second dream I am at a school classroom that looks more like a giant terrace that seemed to have marble floor. I think the marble was purple and it was really shiny. Quite beautiful. The fencing was white and it had a luxurious style overall. Anyway, I was in this classroom and I was doing my makeup right there and I wasn't weirded out or ashamed at all (which I would normally be because I think it's just weird to put on makeup in front of a bunch of people) and I noticed I was putting on a lot of concealer and foundation that didn't end up looking well at all. I looked like a child had puton these things on me. I forget about how bad I look and I notice that in the next row to the right and one seat back was this guy sitting there (the guy I've dreamed of twice this week).He was just sitting there and he seemed to not even notice my presence at all. Also on the front seat in front of me there was this other classmate from elementary school (so long ago! haha) but she looked sort of like an adult or at least an old teenager or my age (I'm 21) and she had a bunch of perfume bottles that she was letting me try out. I smelled these perfumes and they all smelled nice. Then I notice the teacher (a woman that I have never met or talked to) was coming my way and she told me to do an assignment that consisted of writing down about five things about myself. I think she said they had to be good things about me that made me. I had this notebook and started writing things down and I was so sure of myself (which I'm normally not because I feel it's being conceited) and I truly believed these things I was writing. All of the sudden I get up from my seat and take the notebook with me and I go write these things down supporting myself on a high table while standing up. The table was also made of marble, but it was in a corner that made i be in a shadow. I was pretty much hiding myself without really trying to do it or I wasn't aware that I was hiding myself by being there. I then look to behind my shoulder slightly to the left and I see the guy sitting on a white marble chair close to where I was yet he still doesn't acknowledges my presence. I want to talk to him the minute I see him, but I'm afraid to talk to him because he might not want to talk to me. He then goes close to where he was sitting first and just hangs out standing close to the fence and then I go back to my seat but then I turn around and look at the sky and notice that it has a weird shade of blue (sort of like baby navy blue) and there's a lot of stars. Turns out those weren't stars but they were fish swimming in the sky, UFO's and dinosaurs. I was about to talk to the guy to tell him what I was seeing when suddenly one of the dinosaurs comes down the sky and stands in my way and starts to attack me. I was very scared and I noticed the guy only stood there showing no emotion to what was happening in front of him and I got even more scared because of it. There were other people there, but they weren't helping me either for some reason I don't know because I couldn't see around me cuz I was busy defending myself. Maybe they were being attacked too or just didn't notice what was going on either, I don't know. Back to the dinosaur, I noticed I had a pencil in my hands still and so I stabbed it in the mouth without getting my hand or arm hurt (don’t ask me how!) and I stabbed the dinosaur repeatedly until it was dead. I was now safe and I could see the guy that was now looking really scared and surprised by what he had witnessed. It seemed that seeing me do this had waked him up from his lack of emotions. I then noticed the sky looked purpleish pastel instead of baby navy blue and then also noticed a guy that looked just like your old school vampire (with the cape and everything) next to the guy on the left side. The vampire (a male) seemed very excited, overjoyed and thirsty and then suddenly he was attacking me too. I also got rid of him by stabbing him with the same pencil and I don’t know if I actually killed him because I woke up.

So what do you think all of this craziness of a dream means? Why is that guy in my dreams if I'm
(continued question) if I'm not even thinking about him much or not even during the day before I had such dreams and why is he in both of these dreams in such different situations?