Dreaming about my ex?


New member
Oct 25, 2011
It's not usually in any particular context - last night for example he was at my university and I barely recognised him then when I got inside and remember who he was I burst into tears. And recently I dreamt that he and his gf were getting married and actually woke up crying. He's in my dreams pretty much every night. We haven't spoken since we broke up about a year ago and are both in relationships with other people. I really really loved him but I was in an incredible bad place at the time of the relationship (suicidally depressed although in denial) I managed to royally screw things up. I do occasionally find myself wishing my current relationship had some of the aspects my relationship with him had - is that why he keeps appearing? Suggestions please. Just to add - this is only a recent occurance, in the last couple of weeks only. I've barely thought about him at all for the past 11 months.
I know when i had my very first serious relationship this happened to me. My reason was because my new partner and i werent as close as my old relationship. I did sit down and talk to my partner and we became so much close that i stopped having those dreams you just have a space missing at the moment and your dreams are trying to fill it for you. It gets easier