Dragons, were they real animals?

Ummmm........the 60 odd million years between them and our recognisable ancesters.....
Number one: For starters that huge rock that fell from the sky is the crater you now see in mexico. That rock when it landed was only the size of a small truck. Scientists say that this is one of the biggest meteors that ever fell down to earth. To wipe out all life on earth the meteor would of have to be the size of New Zealand. Scientists would of found a very big crater by now if that was true. Some people say that life on earth reset its self after the huge meteor. How would if it been able to do that? If all cells, all living things from the tiniest bacteria was destroyed and the earth looked like a bit of orbiting coal? If that were true how did the world look like before? I mean any alien bacteria could of started life on earth after that. So that proves your first theory wrong.

Number two: If a volcanic eruption was that big, Big enough to wipe out all the dinosaurs from one side of the globe to the other then that would of been one hell of an eruption. If the eruption was that big how come a chunk of the earth hasn't gone and flew off some where and turned into the moon we now see every night? So before the meteor came the volcano must of exploded but if the meteor came down and wiped out all life how do we know if the volcano even existed? The poison gas that came out of the volcano if it was so poisonous how come its not in our atmosphere today? If tons of poison gas went up into our atmosphere during the explosion the earth would now look like venus which it doesn't! Scientists say and (normal people too) that Krakatoa was one of the largest volcanic eruptions ever! Yet the volcano is still standing. Toxic gasses were released at same time as the explosion and only a few people died. But yet indonesia is still standing.
So your second theory is not only confusing but its also wrong.

Number three: I was going to post this up in the last post but i didn't have time. Just recently Scientists have found red blood cells in dinosaur bones. If dinosaur bones were buried in rock for millions of years then why are there red blood cells in the bones? This proves that the dinosaur fossils are only a few thousand years old. Therefore that proves are so called dragon buddies could of been our dino pals.

I once heard a man tell me a story and it went like this: There were two mates walking through town.
One of the freinds stopped and picked up a empty coke can and said "One day this will evolve into a Nokia 6600....." His freind looked at him and said "what kind of stupid idot would think that?"
This applies to the big bang theory. I have always asked this question "Why would nothing make somthing for no reason at all?" Scientists are always changing their minds about evolution. The fact was were scientists there when the dinosaurs were wiped out? Did they jump in a time machine and go back into the past? No. But yet people were there to write down information and tales about these amazing creatures we now call dinosaurs.

And to end my post I say not bad for a 15 year old girl!
How do you know it was the size of a small truck? I'm of the understanding it was a little bigger than that. Also the chixubub (SP) creater is quite big, it takes up most of the gulf of mexico if i remember correctly. And it's still recognisable after 60 odd million years of surficial processes have played about with it. There's also the global iridium enrichment layer that is present at that geological boundary, meaning it kicked up a lot of dust. I guess all that dust would have helped trigger some sort of nuclear winter, it certainly would have wrecked havock with the climate for a while. The 1815 eruption of Tambora kicked out enough stuff into the atmosphere that the following year there was no summer, crops failed and famine ensued. I'd imagine it would like a sneeze in comparison to the amount of stuff kicked up by an impacting body vapourising. And coal doesn't orbit......the meteor would probably have consisted of some sort of ultra-mafic rock, oh and we had about 7% of life survive the K/T extinction event, so we don't need ET to visit us to get life going again.

Did i say that the eruption of the deccan traps was the sole cause? It happened at around the same time as the impact geologically speaking, when in reality they might have been seperated by only a few seconds to a few hundred years. Also flood basalts arn't associated with volcano's as a requirement, yes you get them on places like Hawaii and Iceland but that's due to how those things happen, continental flood basalts like the deccan traps are volcano free. In addition the viscosity of a flood basalt is low, so you don't get explosive eruptions in that sence. Think of the basaltic lava as some pop....shake up the bottle and the gass will fly out freely, for other sorts of eruptions think of carbonated treacle and how likely that is to flow..... The volatiles from the Deccan Traps haev had millions of years to be washed out of our atmosphere, so it's safe now.

Krakatoa was one of the largest eruptions in human records, however it was beat by the Tambora eruption if my memory serves. Which is dwarfed by the likes of the Deccan Traps and the previous eruptions of the volcanic complex at Yellowstone Park. It's not a theory that i'm posting, and i'm not the one doing the confusing. There are several different types of eruption each with a range of products, your just trying to peg them all down as one. and involving the moon in an eruption senario is complete strawmanning.

They've not found red blood cells! They've found fossilised protein chains, a very important distinction there. The bones have been there millions of years and there are no actual red blood cells in those bones, it completely disproves the idea that dino's were dragons. My understanding of fossilisation might not be as good as some other processes but it's good enough to know that your's isn't good.

Big Bang theory and Evolutionary theory are two distinct and seperate things. and they both 'change' as the scientists revise and correct them, disproving the false trails and finding new areas to poke about in. Seeing as i'm one of those 'scientists' too i'd be able to tell you that given the right supporting lab stuff if you showed my an exposure of rock somwhere i could come back to you with lots of info about what has happening in that location when the rocks were put into place, and even something of what's happened to them since they were laid down.

And although it'#s been sometime i think that even at 15 i was a bit more clued up on some of the things your posting on.

Moony BSc (Hons) Geology FGS
This was a wicked debate my friend. . I am glad that I had someone to debate with. It looks like you won. . But I still belive that there were dinosaurs during when people were around. Please don't call me stupid I was only giving an opinion . lol.
Please don't take this the wrong way Hapuka, but your post is not a good example of a well-constructed argument. Your gender and age have nothing to do with it, but you do show a lack of knowledge that undermines your points.

I'd suggest being more succinct and making fewer points to get your mesage across more clearly.

To address your post specifically:

I believe current thinking says the crater is under The Gulf of Mexico, not the visible impact crater on land in Mexico, though someone will correct me if I'm wrong. Size of the asteroid is estimated at 6 miles. Seehere for more details.

I've never heard this theory. I don't believe anyone thinks all life on earth was destroyed, the earth did not look like a lump of coal, so this part of your post is irrelevant.

Because volcanic eruptions don't necessarily do this.

Geology and science.

Atmospheric processes are different on Earth, the atmosphere changes over time. Poisonous gasses would have an effect but I suggest it would be the ash cloud causing global cooling and heating which would be the issue.

Scientists aren't normal? Krakatoa was a big eruption, but nowhere near the size of the one Moony is talking about.

The Scientist who made the discovery, who is incidentally a devout Christian, denies this completely and is annoyed at how her work has been hijaked and twisted by creationists arguing against science.

"Meanwhile, Schweitzer’s research has been hijacked by “young earth” creationists, who insist that dinosaur soft tissue couldn’t possibly survive millions of years. They claim her discoveries support their belief, based on their interpretation of Genesis, that the earth is only a few thousand years old. Of course, it’s not unusual for a paleontologist to differ with creationists. But when creationists misrepresent Schweitzer’s data, she takes it personally: she describes herself as “a complete and total Christian.” On a shelf in her office is a plaque bearing an Old Testament verse: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Young-earth creationists also see Schweitzer’s work as revolutionary, but in an entirely different way. They first seized upon Schweitzer’s work after she wrote an article for the popular science magazine Earth in 1997 about possible red blood cells in her dinosaur specimens. Creation magazine claimed that Schweitzer’s research was “powerful testimony against the whole idea of dinosaurs living millions of years ago. It speaks volumes for the Bible’s account of a recent creation.”

This drives Schweitzer crazy. Geologists have established that the Hell Creek Formation, where B. rex was found, is 68 million years old, and so are the bones buried in it. She’s horrified that some Christians accuse her of hiding the true meaning of her data. “They treat you really bad,” she says. “They twist your words and they manipulate your data.” For her, science and religion represent two different ways of looking at the world; invoking the hand of God to explain natural phenomena breaks the rules of science. After all, she says, what God asks is faith, not evidence. “If you have all this evidence and proof positive that God exists, you don’t need faith. I think he kind of designed it so that we’d never be able to prove his existence. And I think that’s really cool.”

Read this Smithsonian article in full here

So, were there people around at the time the dinosaurs were wiped out or not? You contradict yourself.

I'm not seeking to attack you or your faith, which many scientists share, but your reasoning is confused. Wanting to believe something is not the same as having some evidence for it.

I don't believe that for one minute.

Do a little bit more research, start with those links I posted and see where they take you. You may change some of your ideas, but why not? There's no point being alive if we're afraid of learning.

Someone may well pop up here soon and contradict some of the things I've posted, let's hope so, then we can all learn

Best wishes

There's a big difference between not having/learnt the information than not being able to learn/comprehend it. I'd say right now that your' in the former catagory, you just need to catch up on the level of subject knowledge.
Hi All,

It's OK to be stupid - I am often...

What's not OK is to be OK with being stupid...

In other words - nobody knows everything but the trick is to admit to yourself that you don't know everything either and that it's up to you to do the research and to spend the time and effort to learn new stuff...

Personally at this stage in my life I just can't see the logic of believing in or indeed any evidence for the god of the Jews Christians Muslims (and any others that worship that 'singular' deity) - however I figure that if I'm correct then the way my convictions make me lead my life benefits both myself and others. If I'm wrong then in about 50 years or so (I'm 52 and want to live to a ripe old age...) when I die - I will get a telling off by the big guy but hopefully still get brownie points for the way I've lead my life.

All the best.

Thats the great thing about life is that we can all have our own opinion and learn from our mistakes .
Dragons are a myth, but they are cool anyways.
Heres my theory...
An alchemist walk around looking for poisonous plants an medicinal plants when he sees a cave. The cave happens to have a prehistoric bear fossil in the cave. He then finds some other bones and stuff that the Prehistoric bear might have brought back to his cave. Then he thinks that the skeleton of the bear is a DRAGON... at the time he was eating some bad plants that made him hallucinate. the skeleton attacks him and breathes fire at him. OR SO HE THINKS...

Meanwhile in china a man is digging and finds a dinosaur skeleton. Then he thinks, "the creature is solid stone, so it must have been around a long time... HmmDRAGON..."

Well, I still think they are cool and all, but they are part of the WILD imagination of the ancient people.