Domain name registration names


New member
Mar 18, 2008
Wanted to make funny site, finally found a domain name, I got a 5.00 foot long.

So.. out of being bored and watching websites like icanhascheeseburger get alot of media attention I figured ill search around for funny site names like, and stuff like that and just like you guessed alllll taken (damn savages)

But I did find one.. :devil: which shale produce profit/win

ST: What would you do with a good site domain name or what name would you want to register

Oh btw.. I have my own server room at my business so all I had to do was pay 9.95 at for the name for the year.

Anyways.. I got a 5.00 foot long.
Turkey on wheat with swiss cheese, tomato, lett, black pepper.
The guy who owned made a killing.

I wish I would of thought about grabbing a name earlier.
Every funny saying or name you can think of is taken.
even :(

I wanted

I figured I sit around all day doing nothing waiting to leave for the army, and my uncle has a good size server room that hardly does what its ment to do (use to process credit cards) and I have some webpage design skills (use to be awesome in my mid teens) and the name only cost 9.95

It could turn out to be funny... if not.. oh well..
OP thank you for putting your tl;dr on the top. hopefully everyone will follow this precedence.
You might be surprised when you find out probably all thoese names above are taken.
And it has nothing to do with dodgy ;)