Dog's shock collar advice?


Jun 5, 2008
I have a cane corso mastiff. He's about 7 months old. We live in the country with a large yard and property for him to play on but he's been barking at our only neighbor when he comes out on his porch. The neighbor is a little scared of him due to his size and the general intimidating look he has to him. Were afraid that one day Titan will get the courage to cross onto his property, and be taken away from us. Since we didn't want to chain him up for lack of freedom, and we can't afford to fence the large yard, we got an electric collar with a 90 foot radius that gives a beep warning and adjustable shock levels. My questions are: how do I get Titan adjusted to the new boundary? Also he does his buisness in the woods, but the radius doesn't reach from the covered porch and doghouse area to the woods. Will he have a hard time adjusting? Or will he do his necessaries anywhere without a major adjustment LOL. I plan on taking him on leashed walks through the woods where he usually plays as well. My last concern is the neighbors dog (lab) who is unfenced and roams through our yard and property. Titan doesn't care too much for her but has never bit her or anything even though she's on his "turf" so to speak. I'm just afraid she will tease him or coax him to the point of being shocked. He's one of those neighbors that is particularly hard to deal with so any advice on that would be much appreciated too!