Dog whines when going for rides in my truck, How do I fix?


New member
Jul 14, 2010
So me and my wife have a 2 years old Min Pin we adopted from an rescued animal shelter. We have had her for over a year, and it's been hard training but things are working out.

The one problem I'm stumped in fixing is when we drive anywhere and take our dog with us (she has separation anxeity from an abusive last owner locking her in a closet for 8 to 12 hours a day), she whines through out the trip.

To remedy this I tried the following.

1) I thought maybe she was uncomfortable in the back seat cab of the truck. So I built a custom car crate for my dog to be secure and comfy. Basically I extended the center arm rest. Lined the outside with factor Carpet, the inside is memory foam covered in velvet, leather head rest, blanket and leather trim. It's basically a elevated box that the dog fits into and can see the road too.

Didn't whine at first couple of weeks, then she started whining again.

2) Thought maybe the Muffler was too load, so I swapped out my Flowmaster 50 series with a ultra silent muffler and sound proofed the interor.


3) Thought maybe she just wants attention. I lean my seat back the entire 45 minute drive (when I'm in the passenger seat and play with the dog.


Now I'm Ticked! I have had other dogs in my truck with no problem and I'm at a loss to figure out what her problem is. I trying telling her "NO!" when she starts to whine. That doesn't do crap. I have tried treats. No go!

If you are wondering why don't I leave her at home. It's mostly her separation anxeity. I have worked her up to 4 hours before she freaks out. I have webcams setup at home to monitor when I'm away and check up on her.

The only time we travel is stay with the in laws or go the store and it will be longer than 4 hours.

She has peed and pooped before going on any trip, and get a treat at the end of the trip just to make it seem like trips aren't a bad thing.

I'm just frustrated..Any thoughts?
NO EAR PLUGS..though I have put in a powerful speaker system (and I feel guilty about this) do crank up the music lately to drown out the whining. But I don't want to rely on that.

My Min Pin is generally a very laid back and quiet dog, except around strangers where she goes ballsitic. That's why I'm confused. Everything is familiar and its really out of her character.
Funny thing is when I tell my dog "TRUCK" she is all fired up and happy...then after 10 minutes of driving. the Whining starts.
I have tried ignoring her for the entire trip and saying "bad girl" when she starts to whine" Does nothing to solve it.

For me, driving in my truck and listening to music is a very relaxing activity for me, and with the dog in the truck, it's like scratching on a chalkboard. It's a soft whine, and when the music goes can hear her.
WAIT..WHATS THIS TRAVEL DROPS you guys keep mentioning? I'll buy a case load at this point!
Contact Victoria Stilwell. She has a dog training show on Animal Planet. Here is a link to her web page where you can ask her questions:
OMG, the extent you have gone to is admirable!

I see you've tried treats, but have you tried clicker training? The poor girl has had a tough life before coming to you so I see the dilema - the problem is if she whines she gets a response from you which although it may not seem like it, is a reward.

If you can get her used to the "click" being associated with her doing the correct behaviour that you desire, followed by receiving a treat (this can be replaced with attention from you; soppy voice "good girl" etc) at a later date.

I would start the training at home, click followed by treat until she gets what this means, build up to then move out to the truck (not in motion to start with) set her up as normal. Whenever she is quiet click and treat; if she makes a fuss ignore her until she has a quiet moment then as soon she is quiet again click and treat again. Build this up over time. Take someone with you for the first few training journeys so you can have one person driving and another clicking and treating.

This will take time and patience but stick with it. She will eventually see how she is supposed to be reacting and what pleases you, and hopefully this will override her travel anxiety.

I would also try to find some homeopathic travel drops to just take the edge off her anxiety before the journey.

Hope this helps, good luck.
Sid, your sainthood is in the mail. What a gem for going to such lengths for this dog! And, I have to admit, I did laugh out loud. Short of calling in the Dog Whisperer, have you tried a little dramamine before the trips? It might be just enough to relax her and take the edge off. I've used it on both dogs and cats with success, but it is the rare dog that isn't insterested in being a truck dog. Are you sure it really is a dog?
Min Pins are nuts. The two my sister has had were complete freak shows. Get earplugs. LOL.

So glad you got yours at a shelter and didn't buy it:) Loved your question, btw.

So yeah - just get those earplugs.