Does Verizon Charge you for Downloading your Own Music Into the Phone?


Jun 27, 2008
I just got an enVtouch for christmas and I know its costs money to download music from the verizon store into the phone.But I also saw that the phone came with a USB cord and I know I can download music into the phone from my computer. So I was wondering if they would charge me for downloading my own music into the phone. I previously had the voyager and they charged me when I did this but my friend has the enVtouch and she says they dont charge her for downloading her own music. Just want a second opinion. Thanx :)
No, they don't charge you if for example you have music on your computer and you put them on your phone from your usb. I have over 1500 tracks on my env touch :)

hope this helps.
they wont charge you to download your own music. they would charge you if you're downloading music from the vcast music store.