Does this sound like a good future?


New member
Jul 16, 2008
Okay so, i'm only 15 & planning what I want to do with my life. Since I was 3 ive had an Obsession with fashion. That's why I chose FIT (Fashion institute of Technology) to pursue my career in fashion. FIT is located in NYC which is quiet expensive to live. I live in upstate NY. Any who, If i did the four year thing at FIT they would do high school subjects math,history,english etc. So I was planning on going to a small little college where i live now & go there for two years get all the credits i can & transfer to FIT and go there for a year(sleep, breathe fashion). I have connections to FIT because good family friend went there and owns her own line & her mother can call people for me. I'm just wondering if this sounds like a smart idea. Plus if i get homesick im just a train ride away from home :) thank you for answering in advance.