does this kid seem like a son of ares or mars?


New member
Jul 4, 2010
long story short i need to know if this kid would seem like a son a war god
he isn't interested in the military but is a surgeon with any gun or blade, he has a desire for power and an accomplished artist, he is strong but not very fast, he makes up for it by being cunning and genius, has a good sense of humor, loves to argue and debate, doesn't like order or being ordered around because he'd rather order or advise others and be free

does this kid fit the description of a son of a war god?
A lot of people actually.. such as hermes for humor, hera for power and independence, athena for smart and artistic.
I'd say Athena, actually. Smart? Artistic? Argumentative? All Athena qualities.
No not at all.At first hearing this it sounds like a child of Hermes: Humors,free-will,jack-of-all-trade-master-of-none.

But when you said he's a surgeon and you said he also has humor,I thought Apollo,because the Muse Thalia,is the muse of comedy,and Apollo could have hang around her too much.