Does the internet distract you from your work?


Jun 17, 2008
I mean, I'm supposed to be studying for an Exam on friday, but I am! Do you do this? Waste valuable time on the internet when you should be working/studying?
Lucille George - I dont think that would help. My laptop has wireless. So all I would have to do is press the little blue button!
afghanbeauty88 - Cant turn the computer off I'm studying for a Database Development Exam.
all the time. i have a advanced chemistry test to study for, i have to read a chapter in the scarlet letter and answer study guide questions, and i have a paper due friday that i haven't even started on. so yeah i guess you could say that.
Studies are more valuable than having fun on the internet. You must focus in order to be successful. Do you want to do good on the exam? Turn the computer off!!!
Yes, all of the time. I'm a professional writer and a graphical designer with a web business, and I must be online to do some of my work, but, unfortunately, I also waste countless hours surfing and on sites like this. I've discovered that the main reason I find myself surfing or wasting time online is because I either don't feel like working at the time or I'm bored--that can be dangerous beyond wasting time as I often find myself compulsively buying.

The only thing I've found that helps is moving to a room without the internet. And that's one of the great things about having a laptop.
I currently am, I have to finish writing a I do this all the time, it can monopolies your life.
Yes. I hate my self lol.
The truth is in theory yes the internet distracts me, but if it wasn't the internet I would be procrastinating on something else. It doesn't take much effort to distract me from what I'm thinking about.