Does snowmobiling require special gloves, or just regular winter gloves?


Jun 5, 2008
My dad recently got a snowmobile, and for Christmas I wanted to get him a few gifts for it. He needs a helmet so I'm gettin him one, and I was thinking maybe some gloves to go with it. Googling snowmobile gloves, they seem to cost like 80 bucks.... which is entirely out of my price range. Are these expensive special gloves really necessary? Or could I just invest in a nice pair of regular winter gloves that would work just as well? Are there any special qualities I should be looking for in these gloves?

I know very little about snowmobiling so any help and thoughts are appreciated!!
leather works better anything with a grip garden gloves would work but nothing hand knitted or his hands will slip off the handles and that would not be good.... so no knitted
Those gloves are meant for races. Regular warm and waterproofed gloves are great for the standard rider.

Those gloves are meant for races. Regular warm and waterproofed gloves are great for the standard rider.
