does MMA make you better at fighting?


Mar 31, 2008
im 15 and i want to take mma to get better at fighting...i work out and am pretty buff but i suck at fighting...will it help me?
no i dont start fights but they start it so yeah that kind of gets me low sef esteem..
Well when you first start out in mma you wont be learning about fighting... No matter how buff you are now its not about strength in mma. Its about conditioning, speed, and strength. But as strength comes speed can decline. That's why they have you do a lot of fundamental exercises, which makes you use your own body weight as the weight. It takes a lot of dedication and work... so be prepared. It will get you good at fighting but with time, not right away.
Well when you first start out in mma you wont be learning about fighting... No matter how buff you are now its not about strength in mma. Its about conditioning, speed, and strength. But as strength comes speed can decline. That's why they have you do a lot of fundamental exercises, which makes you use your own body weight as the weight. It takes a lot of dedication and work... so be prepared. It will get you good at fighting but with time, not right away.
defintitly. its mixed martial arts its all about fighting you'll defintily learn all the different aspects of fighting. you'll learn striking (punching, kicking) and you'll learn ground work like brazillian jujitsu (chokes, and locks)
Any serious study of ANY martial art will make you better at self defense...fighting is not part of it.

MMA will make you better at sport competitive fighting based on their rules but like all martial arts training the answer is yes it will make you better able to defend yourself in a real situation.
if your doing it just to fight someone, yes you may beat them but your desire to fight may blind you and you might get your ass kicked even though you think your good
Learning MMA will defiantly make you a better fighter if that's what your goal is. It doesn't sound like you want to learn a traditional martial art such as karate, kung fu or taekwondo because in these styles the Ultimate goal isn't necessarily to make you a great fighter in the sense of t.v entertainment, But if you want to become a good fighter then join a MMA club.
Absolutely, you will be able to box, wrstle, or submit a guy

Don't just take it to be able to fight though, it is a sport of honor just like karate, do it for discipline and almost as self-defense