Does buying someone lavish gifts mean you want a relationship with them?


Jun 27, 2008
So my husband cheated on me and not seeing the woman. He has decided to move out because "he can't stay committed", but acts as though this woman means nothing to him. He has always been ambitious and has within the last couple of years come into a good amount of money.
He has always bought me nice gifts. We are going somewhere together and he wants me to look good. I know logically I should be pressing for a divorce, but there is a part of me that wants him to want me.
He has tried recently to get back in bed with me (I pushed him away), but has recently stopped. He also recently bought me a very nice piece of jewelry and has been saying baby and sweetheart hear and there. He said that he does things because I deserve it and wants his family to have nice things.
Could this be his way of trying to get back?