Does anyone know/remember the title of this children's book? 'The sky slips...


New member
Jan 12, 2012
...into my shoes at night...'? The drawings in it were very surreal, and the colors were lots of pinks, oranges, and dusk hues. I remember one line is 'The sky slips into my shoes at night.' I thought that might be the name of it, but since I've searched it so many times, I guess not. It is, like I said, a children's book, and it's about where the sky goes/what it does after the sun goes down. The sky is a pink/orange/dusk colored being, drawn to look basically human. It must have been published before 1997, but is probably older. I also remember that I learned the word 'calico,' from this book. I know this isn't a lot to go on, but I figured someone out there must remember this book. It's been nagging me for the longest time. Thanks for any help or answers!
Also, I'm not sure whether the main character was the sky, or the sun. It seems to me that the title, or at least a line in the story, was, "The sun comes down from the sky at night."