Does anyone have the Motorola Rizr Z3?


Apr 11, 2008
i want it for my birthday in august, and i was wondering if it is a good phone? if anyone has it, do you like it? do you recommend it for a 12 year old going on 13?.....i'm not really going to use the music it easy to text on?.....and my sis has the razor and she has dropped it a million times and it does get damaged but then it works after 2 years it is starting not to work (like the buttons) but yet it is old. so i am kinda clumsy, will it break easily?
I have it. Its a very cute phone and works well. I have no complaints. My favorite thing about it was that it was a slider. I think a 12yr old (going on 13) would fit perfectly with that style phone. Its sophisticated yet fun and not too flashy. Your next step would be a sidekick (when your further in your teens lol) then a blackberry or pda. For now, i think the Moto Rizr is a good pick. Enjoy!