Does anyone have an LG Voyager? If you doo.. HELP ME!!! :) PLEEASE :( I can't


New member
Mar 6, 2011
see my screens and need my pics!? ALLLLLL my kids' baby pics are on that phone. I dropped it one final time, and..... Both screens went out. Unfortunately, I had over 2000 pics.. and no chip. I had one at one point in time, but it got full.

SOO... Point is... Can someone send me through the steps to transport the pics frommm the phone, tooo a chip (emptied my old one)? Like, which buttons to press, how many times to go up or down, select, left/right, etc.... EXACT directions...
give me a link to download the driver to install the CD onto my comp? I lost the dang CD I am so mad... And nobody I know has one.. And I need this done ASAP.. And I've been searching for hourrsss online trying to find one to download and COULDNT I am so irritated :(