Does anyone else love the smell of grain? lol?


New member
Nov 15, 2008
We feed smartchoice and senior they smell so good! :p what's your favorite "horsey" smell...besides your horse of course!
I love the smell of grain, too! Funny story... I work at a summer camp, and one of the kids decided she liked the smell of it so much, she'd eat some. One small problem... she was eating it off of a dog carrier which we had in the chicken coop, and had been covered in chicken poop recently. We'd hosed it off but we hadn't disinfected it yet. Yuck! She was OK, fortunately.

I think I like the smell of (good) hay better though, it reminds me of the smell of spaghetti and whenever I feed hay I ALWAYS crave spaghetti after that! Although maybe that's just because when I was a kid, we had spaghetti for dinner after my lesson every time (since my mom was always too busy to cook a big meal after driving me all over).
I love the smell of barley hay and shedded prime lucerne hay. So. Good.
And the working horse mix my friend gets sometimes. And the no grain weight gain she got a while ago. That was pretty good.
Ahh the smell of grain.
Me and my friend always say that the smell of Copra is the best :)
Althought Pollard, Barley and water does smell like porridge, so thats also good.
Yes! Mostly sweet feed... mmm.... I actually tried it once... it doesn't taste as good as it smells LOL!
hmm... i'm not sure if i've smelled the grain you're talking about (or i don't remember if it was or not, i don't pay attention) but some grains do smell really good. some of the sweet ones i personally don't LOVE the smell, but its okay.

i just find the general smell of horses and the barn to be comforting. its familiar, is nice, and it means i'm going to have fun with the ponies!

my absolute FAVORITE smell at the barn, maybe my favorite smell in the whole world, is the smell of fresh hay. mmm! it just smells really good and makes me happy every time i walk through the barn.
omg yes I love the smell of grain =P
I'll just stand there over the bin smelling it sometimes cause I'm that cool.
haha I love the smell of my horses after they've had a bath and are somewhat cleaner =P
I just love all of the smells haha :) except when you clean their feet, the gunky stuff all up in there smells horrible.. XD
i love the smell of grain i also love the smell of powdered bute it is amazing and the smell of freshly cleaned tack and the smell of horse in general!!!!!!!!!