Does anyone else find that shows such as Gossip Girl and 90210 make them feel


Jun 4, 2008
really ugly?!!?
"no not to sound ignorant but those are white people shows.."

Super Girl - Why are you even answering this question then, lmfao
no not to sound ignorant but those are white people shows..
it's like people worry so much about how they look just stfu and deal with it.
boo hoo.

what? i'm racist now?
sorry if it seems that way but does it really look like i watch that? i wouldn't get offended if anyone said "black people shows"..

i have seen those petty commercials while i'm watching the shows i actually do like. it looks like everything else anyone would see on tv. rich, snobby people who think they're all that when they're really they get plastic surgery and smash face paint on their faces for hours...the audience watches it and feeds into it..i don't get how some girls actually allow that to brain wash them. weak minds, that's all it is.
Actually no.
Although they have cute clothes, they're horrible people.
It reminds me how honest and nice I am. XD
yes! but i try to keep telling myself they retouch them and make sure the lighting is flattering in every scene so in real life they arent that perfect. i try to get makeup tips from watching it though, but it makes me sad how good they look ALL THE TIME and how cool their lifestyles are.